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In a world where standing out online is getting more difficult, how can you make your WordPress website pop? Using high quality photos is one of the best ways to maintain attention. 

First of all, most people access your website now from their phone. In our client’s sites, on average, we have seen between 60-80% of people visiting their website from a phone.

So if that’s the case, then images are now more important than ever because you have such a small space to work with. Here we will show where to get great images for your website.

Where can I get images for my website?

Stock Photos

There are loads of places where you can either buy or get images for free that you have the rights to use. You can go to download photos from free versions like Unsplash, which has a huge resource of over 2 million free images submitted by photographers from around the world. Additionally, you don’t need an account to download images, making it a quick, easy, and free way of sourcing high-quality images.

Paid versions like ShutterstockStocksy and Haute Stock (a new favourite of ours) have impressive search filters and a great volume of quality images. Whilst you can’t download images for free, there are different pricing levels depending on how many images you want or you can choose a subscription.

Where to Get Free Stock Photos and Images for your Website
Where to get images for your website
Where to get images for your website
Where to get images for your website
Where to Get Free Stock Photos and Images for your Website
Where to Get Free Stock Photos and Images for your Website
Where to get images for your website

These days we also like Canva a lot.  Canva is a hugely popular tool and although it is known for creating designs it also has a massive stock library and you can crop your photos and add filters and text all in one place. You’ll need to create a free account to use Canva – some photos are reserved for Pro users (which we use), so you may want to upgrade to a paid plan if you use Canva a lot.

Take your own photos

We recommend this option if you have access to a photographer. It means no one else will have the same photos as you. As a result, this is one of the best ways to ensure you get original, brand-aligned images for your website.

Sometimes, stock images just don’t quite cut it.  And with your own photos, you can be really creative. Take photos of lifestyle shots, you or your team working, interesting product shots and so on.

We recommend working with a photographer who specialises in a lifestyle photos, instead of corporate or headshots. And of course there is always your smart phone! 


Where to get images for your website
Where to get images for your website
Where to get images for your website

How can I make my website images look better?

I want to leave you with 2 hacks:

#1: If you do need to use stock photos, crop them in interesting ways. Zoom in on hands, crop out faces, tweak or rotate them in unique angles. Subsequently, you can make a stock photo look quite amazing if you get creative with cropping and zooming.

#2: Use filters. You can do this in Canva or other photo editing tools. This means you can give all of your stock images a similar look like they belong to a collection or branded to you. 

Where to get images for your website

Now you should feel confident on how to pick the best images for your website – remember to check they’re high quality, unique, and add value to your brand! Check out 7 ways you can make your brand more memorable.

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7 Ways to Build Your Brand Wed, 21 Jul 2021 04:56:13 +0000 What does it mean to build your brand, and why is it so important? Your brand is what defines you and differentiates you from the competition. If you want to gain brand awareness and recognition, and strengthen your brand identity, standing out from the crowd and becoming more memorable is crucial. Here is a quick…

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What does it mean to build your brand, and why is it so important? Your brand is what defines you and differentiates you from the competition.

If you want to gain brand awareness and recognition, and strengthen your brand identity, standing out from the crowd and becoming more memorable is crucial. Here is a quick checklist to help you get more people to remember you.

Let’s start with why it's so important to build your brand:

  • Digital visibility: Google likes it when people type in your name or your business name as much as they like keywords.
  • Word of mouth: When people remember you, they can easily recommend you, and third party endorsements are so incredibly powerful.
  • Breaking through the clutter: Keep the marketing “Rule of 7” in mind. When someone sees or interacts with your brand at least 7 times, they are more likely to become a loyal follower.
Build your brand

Here are 7 ways to be more memorable:

7 Ways To Build Your Brand

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Collect emails to build your brand

Let's delve a little further into each tip...

1. Collect emails from your website

Building your email list enables you to send out valuable ongoing content, and as they say "content is king". It's what connects you to your customers. It's how you build trust and establish a community around your brand. But it can be a tough ask to convince someone to add more clutter to their inbox. Make it worth their while to part with their email address.

To cut through, the content you share must be valuable. To keep them engaged, it must be relevant and consistent. Remember, people don't always want to feel like they are being sold to - think 'inspiration' and 'education' instead. Ask yourself, 'how does this benefit my customer'?

2. Leverage social media by doing your best to be active

Active social media profiles are key to maintaining a credible and reputable online presence, and building your brand.

Social media platforms also provide you with the opportunity to boost brand awareness and reach an audience who are unfamiliar with your brand. In particular, targeted ads can help you generate more website traffic and leads.

To make sure you are using your social channels to their full potential, check out our tips for how to get more engagement on social media.

Brand building by leveraging social
Engage with your followers

3. Engage with and acknowledge your followers

People LOVE to feel heard.

Interacting with your followers meaningfully gives your brand authenticity and a human persona.

For example, you can ask your followers questions, and show that you value their opinions or feedback.

Even if it's just a simple thank you or emoji 😍🌟💕😉 , it's a way to make your followers feel appreciated and more loyal.

4. Come up with a tool that people want to share or talk about.

For instance, this could be a quiz or online video or even a podcast show.

It doesn't need to be super complex, just something a little interactive and that generates a bit of buzz.

This is also a great way to give your brand personality - share knowledge and educate your community, and highlight the need or problem that you can help your customers solve.

Tools to build your brand
Use PR to build a brand

5. Use PR

Write guest posts, give commentary to the media, get on other’s podcasts, and speak at events.

Establishing yourself or your brand as a thought leader is a powerful tool. It's another way to build the trust and credibility that your customers will highly value in your brand.

Plus of course, it's a fantastic way to get your brand or business name out there, and be seen by a potentially new and wider audience.

6. Focus on bringing your personality into what you do.

People talk about those who they resonate with.

This is all about making your brand more human and relatable. It is extremely beneficial to build an emotional connection with your customer. In fact, it has been shown that emotionally connected customers are on average 52% more valuable to a business than those who are just 'highly satisfied' (Source: Harvard Business Review).

Using storytelling in marketing and humour are just a couple of ways you may be able to better connect with your customers. It's also always nice to put a face to a name, so don't be afraid to share video messages with your customers, or some 'behind the scenes' images of the team.

Good design to build your brand

7. Invest in good design.

First impressions really do matter!

According to an academic study, 94% of the time someone’s first impression is based on design, and it only takes 50 milliseconds for that split-second decision to get made.

It may be time to look at re-designing your website, making your logo that little bit more eye-catching, or refreshing your style for a new-look Instagram grid.

There can be a lot to do here, but our article on where to get images for your website is a great, simple place to start.

So what’s next? Find one thing in the list above to start improving on now.

And here’s a little extra tip for those wondering where to begin – is there anything interesting you are working on right now? Something people generally don’t know about you? Something in your industry you want to change? Start there.

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How to Increase Your Brand Awareness Sun, 07 Feb 2021 01:10:26 +0000 Are you struggling to get people to engage with your business online? It’s so competitive and noisy, isn’t it? It goes without saying that to build your brand and grow your business, increasing your brand awareness and becoming top of mind for customers is essential. Why is brand awareness important? Think about this… if you…

The post How to Increase Your Brand Awareness appeared first on Website Love.


Are you struggling to get people to engage with your business online?

It’s so competitive and noisy, isn’t it? It goes without saying that to build your brand and grow your business, increasing your brand awareness and becoming top of mind for customers is essential.

Why is brand awareness important?

Think about this… if you were in a grocery store, walking down an aisle looking for a cold beverage, and you see Coca Cola, Pepsi, and some generic choices, which ones would you choose?

Probably Coca Cola or Pepsi, right? Because you know them.

Brand recognition is such a powerful thing. For every article or piece of content that you produce, there is probably going to be another hundred, if not thousands, just like it.

So when somebody goes to Google or social media and they’re looking to learn something and they see so much content, almost identical, which one do you think they are going to choose? The one that they know, right? The brand that they’re familiar with.

why is it important to increase brand awareness

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how to increase your brand awareness

Building brand awareness:

So how do you stand out?

Here is a quick little plan…

  1. Create great content each week.
  2. Promote that content to your followers on social media and to your email list as a newsletter.  Also reach new people using social media ads. You can boost posts on social media for as low as five dollars a day.
  3. Follow up and be consistent with new content ongoing.

Then just rinse and repeat over time, and you will grow your brand and be more recognisable.

Amidst the sea of content however, it is important to be strategic in the way you approach marketing your business online. Adapting your messaging to the platform, for example, is vital.

And a friendly reminder, when people remember you by name, they can easily refer you. So get out there and give people a reason to remember you.

The post How to Increase Your Brand Awareness appeared first on Website Love.
