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A blog is an area on your website with educational articles. Your blog posts should have easy next steps someone can take with you, whether that is to get them on your email list or direct them to your product or services sales page. If you're reading this, guess what? You're on a blog.  

Check this out! B2B marketers who use blogs receive 67% more leads than those who do not, and blogs have been rated the 5th most trusted source for accurate online information.

If you’re putting in the hard work to create ongoing blog posts on your website and don’t think anyone sees them, here are 3 easy steps you can start taking to increase blog traffic! 

3 hacks to get more traffic to your blog


#1 - Make sure someone wants it before you create it

Keyword research is your best friend here, as it can assist with generating good blog post ideas and ensure that there is a sizeable target audience for your content. Google drives billions of searches a day so you want to use the right keywords to get in on that action. 

Use a tool like Ubersuggest (it’s free). It will tell you what people are typing into Google and how many are searching for that phrase each month, so you know if there is enough interest. 

If that tool seems a little complicated then check out (it’s also free).  You can find out the questions people are asking online.  To get ideas on where to start, start typing in a topic you want to talk about in Google or YouTube search.  See what the autofill suggestions are as you start typing.  The autofill phrases are popular search phrases and are a great place to start by inputting these phrases in the 2 tools we mentioned. 

Once you’ve done your keyword research, you should ensure that your keywords are in all the right places in your blog posts. This means adding them to your post’s title, meta description, headers, image titles and alt text and body copy. Do you know how to use alt text? Here are some tips on how to write them.

3 steps on how to get traffic to your blog
3 steps on how to get traffic to your blog
How to increase blog traffic

#2 - Send traffic to your blog articles

Once you have written an article you know people want, it’s time to send traffic to it. 

Here are 5 traffic tips to help:

  • Try Facebook ads. 

    By promoting educational content, and not selling anything, you can warm up an audience that you want to tap into and help establish credibility and build trust - all of which leads to building healthy relationships.

  • Create a “start here” page that links to your best posts.

    Did you know that using the words “start here” can encourage new website visitors to take action instead of leave? You can link to this page from your menu and home page. Then link to your best posts and other valuable resources from this page. You can also link to blog posts from your FAQs.

  • Promote your blog posts in your email welcome sequence.

    When someone signs up to your email list you want to send them an email nurture sequence. Mention your most popular posts in the initial emails to help get your subscribers invested in your blog.  We continue to get a lot of traffic to an article we mention in our own welcome sequence.

  • Set up a sharing contest.

    You could even try creating a contest, where if someone shares your blogs on social media, you do a random draw each month. There is a cool tool to help called

  • Share your posts in your newsletter.

    Promotion needs to be a big part of your content strategy, so don’t forget to send out your hard-earned blog posts in an ongoing newsletter. Write a short snippet of what the blog is about and include an image and link to your article.

Use a contest to get traffic to your blog
On-site SEO

#3 - Do onsite SEO

Try creating what is called a pillar post where you link to other smaller posts of yours that further explain a particular topic.  Think of a pillar post as a “table of contents” on a certain topic, or keyword phrase,  you are trying to be known for.  It includes subtopics broken into sections with a summary of each one.  Then each section links out to an article that dives deeper into that subtopic.  When done well these articles will continue to generate new visitors to your website frequently.

Also, remember that linking to your own articles is great for SEO, but it’s important to link outside sources too. This signals to Google that you’re not a spammer and helps build a positive relationship with the others blogs you’re linking to. Check out my Simple Guide to SEO here.

Next, you want to optimise your call to actions (CTA), or main steps you want someone to take in your articles. By making a keyword phrase the link instead of saying something like “click here”, you are motivating your visitors by providing descriptive labels and understandable directions.

Articles with images get 94% more total views than articles without images. By including images, you make your articles easier to read, and can also include keywords in the title of the photo. This creates opportunities to boost website traffic from Google image searches. Once you have your images, you need to rename the photos in your posts from 123.jpg, for example, to a keyword phrase people would use in Google. 

There are some great WordPress plugins to help optimise your posts for Google. They make it easy to set up your URL slugs correctly, help you craft perfect meta descriptions, setup sitemaps, and aid you in navigating other SEO technical bits that may not come naturally to bloggers.  Two I recommend are Yoast SEO and WordPress SEO Plugin by Rank Math.

3 steps on how to get traffic to your blog

Overall, just be more strategic with your articles and don't create content for content’s sake. Steve Jobs said “Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles”. And we completely agree! Check this out if you need help with how to write SEO friendly posts

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A Simple Guide to SEO Wed, 07 Jul 2021 07:58:53 +0000 Did you see this? Get instant access to our free training "How to get Google to send you more traffic" 👇 First Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. GET ACCESS Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and…

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Are you struggling to get visitors to your website? It might be because you are missing a few important SEO fundamentals.

What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization? It’s the process of improving the quality and quantity of visitors to your website from search engines.

The goal of SEO is to improve the ranking of your website in search results for relevant keywords. This means that when someone searches for something related to your business, your site will appear at the top of the list. I have a simple guide to SEO to help you start optimising your site today!

Here is your SEO checklist:

A Simple Guide To Seo

Make sure to check out some of the resources in each point below in your Simple Guide to SEO. 

We have other articles we know can help if you want to dive deeper into any of these points 👇

  • Make your website load fast:
    Get good hosting in the country of most of your visitors, optimise your images so they are small file sizes and make sure you have up to date plugins, themes and page builders – if your site was built over 3 years ago you might have scripts and code slowing your site down.
  • Use the right keywords:
    Find out what people search for on Google when it comes to what you sell and use these phrases throughout your site.
  • Focus on getting return visitors:
    This proves to Google that your site is trustworthy and valuable. Keep sharing your content in newsletters and on social media.
A simple guide to seo
simple guide to seo
  • Get your visitors to stick around:
    The longer they spend on your site and the more pages they visit shows Google your site is valuable. A good way of doing this is with the next point…
  • Publish fresh ongoing content:
    This means you have the possibility to show up in search results more often and have something to promote to get those return visitors. Consistently publishing SEO friendly blog posts is a perfect way to achieve this.
  • Create your ‘Google My Business’ listing
    This is how Google sends you local traffic and you can get reviews. It is a free tool that allows you to create your business profile on Google.
  • Submit your site map to Google
    This is a list of all of the pages on your site so Google can easily show them in the search results.
  • Cross link to other pages on your site
    Link to other pages or blog posts on your site using keywords as a link instead of “click here”.
  • Get links into your site from other places
    Do guest posts and create content so valuable that other sites want to link to yours. This will provide you with what we call  backlinks
  • Name your images with your keywords
    Instead of 123.jpg use your keywords so Google knows what the image is about. You should also consider using 'alt text'.
  • Make sure your content is easy to understand
    It should be written in plain English, scannable,
    use headline text, short paragraphs and images throughout.
simple guide to seo

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The post A Simple Guide to SEO appeared first on Website Love.
