Copywriting Formulas Archives - Website Love Thu, 30 Nov 2023 05:38:36 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Copywriting Formulas Archives - Website Love 32 32 yes Get the steps to break the cycle of overwhelm and stress as you grow your business through expert interviews, case studies, and intimate behind-the-scenes stories with host Heather Porter. So Hustle Rebels… hit subscribe and let’s stop hiding behind the hustle!<br /> Heather Porter false episodic Heather Porter Website Love Pty Ltd Website Love Pty Ltd podcast Stop wearing busyness like a badge of honour Copywriting Formulas Archives - Website Love How to Improve Your Webinar Conversions Thu, 30 Jun 2022 03:53:09 +0000 Webinars are a cost-effective marketing strategy that can get you highly qualified leads that many businesses use today. Do you use webinars to get clients or share educational videos as lead magnets or in your marketing funnels? Read more to find out how you can improve your webinar conversions. Before you create this type of…

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Webinars are a cost-effective marketing strategy that can get you highly qualified leads that many businesses use today. Do you use webinars to get clients or share educational videos as lead magnets or in your marketing funnels? Read more to find out how you can improve your webinar conversions.

Before you create this type of content, you should plan carefully.

According to a webinar marketing statistics report, if your sign-ups are less than 200 people, the average webinar attendance rate is about 51% of those who signed up. And in most cases, we find them much less and closer to 30%.

If you have more registrants than that, the registrant to attendee conversion decreases by 18%. These numbers are the ideal percentage you should try to achieve to improve your webinar conversions. If you are struggling to get sign-ups or sales from these videos then check this out!

The Simple Formula you can follow to Teach and Sell to Improve Webinar Conversions on Video:

STEP 1: Welcome your attendees by validating their decision to attend

The greeting is the first thing your audience is going to hear when they join. Welcome the person to the session, "resell" their desire to consume your content and validate their decision. You will not only set the tone for the webinar, but it can largely determine whether your attendees will stay on for the rest of the presentation.

Engage your audience by making them feel comfortable, engaged, and eager to join the conversation. When doing this ask questions about their problem or desire.

Here are 3 examples of what 3 different businesses might say:

  • “Do you want to invest in your first property but are not sure where to start?” 
  • “Do you want to stop working so hard?”
  • “Are you looking for the best way to sell your course?”

You want to engage attendees but also keep them glued to the end.

how to improve webinar conversions
improve webinar conversions

STEP 2: Outline what they are about to learn

People participate in events if they have something to gain from them right? Make sure what you share sounds interesting from the start and give them a reason to stick around.

To do this, you can get your attendees excited by summarising what you are about to share AND explain how it will specifically help them. You can easily just read through a few bullet points or show them on a slide with a list of the key points you will cover.

STEP 3: Introduce yourself with an elevator pitch

A great introduction is a great investment ✨ Who are you, what does your business do, and why should someone listen to and trust you. 

Introducing yourself in a presentation is pitching yourself to the audience so they stick around for the rest of your talk. Include a story about how you got here, including any challenges. Your introduction should be effective and have an interesting hook.

To be more relatable it’s best to try and be a guide and not a hero. And remember to smile 😊

improve webinar conversions

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live webinar conversions

STEP 4: Teach (but don’t go overboard)

Webinars are a great way to teach online. They are also great for recording a live class and offering it later as an on-demand video. 

Teaching “why” someone needs something can sometimes be more powerful than the “how”.  And remember if you teach too much then they might not need your help.

As you share your information keep in mind how you are different.. 

  • Do you have a framework or different way of what you do from others? 
  • How did you discover it?

STEP 5: Share testimonials

92% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials when considering a purchase. 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. 72% of them say positive reviews and testimonials make them trust a business more.

Back up what you just taught with testimonials or case studies. What happened to someone after they implemented it?

If you need help with getting testimonials, check out how to get good testimonials for your website.

improve webinar conversions
how to improve webinar conversions

STEP 6: Add in a CTA (Call to Action)

End with a strong call to action. If you don’t ask, you don’t get, so now is the time to make your case and share what you are offering as a next step.. 

Your call-to-action should be crafted such that your visitors can’t help but do it, whatever “it” is. If you’re looking for a way to make your CTAs look irresistible, check out our one simple tip to sell more!

Think about what you want to achieve. Tell people exactly what you are offering and what they should do next to get it. 

Can you also add in a reason for them to take action now? 🤔

Webinars are a great way for online course creators to get in front of their target audience and showcase what they have to offer. This little formula will work well for videos from 10 to 60 minutes and I hope this helps with improving your webinar conversions.

And speaking of masterclasses, did you know we do them every couple of weeks showing you the steps to take to get more leads and sales from your website? Be sure to check out our Free Live Masterclasses. 

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A Quick Tip on How to find your Customer Avatar Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:56:42 +0000 Did you see this? Get instant access to our free training "Values & Voice: Your Personal Brand Journey" 👇 First Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. GET ACCESS Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again.…

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Have you ever heard that in order to make your marketing work you need to know who your perfect client is? An ideal client is not only someone who gets their needs met by the product or service you’re offering, they are also someone you actually want to do business with. 

Once you are clear on who this person is, you can then target them in your marketing strategies. 

Here's an easy way to find your ideal customer avatar, even if you feel you have more than 1, or want to help everyone.

Consider this…

How to find your Customer Avatar

Instead of focusing just on demographics, interests or behaviours, focus on finding people who want a very specific outcome.

Here are 3 questions to answer when getting clarity on who your ideal target market is:

1. What outcome does your business give people?

Do you know how your business helps people? Sometimes this is beyond the most obvious of things. For example, if you are a wellness coach, you might think it is to help someone have more energy.  That could be a surface outcome.  But what does more energy give them?

Something we like to do is the “and so you get” exercise. Once we come up with ideas about how a specific product helps someone we keep asking “and so you get what?” For example with the wellness coach you might say someone gets more energy, so they get to spend more time with their kids, or so they start feeling like they can work out to lose weight… etc.  The idea here is to chunk down to find the real reasons they work with you.

How to find your Customer Avatar
How to find your Customer Avatar

2. Do you help them achieve a desire?

Some people buy things because they want it. In other words, they are motivated to fulfil a desire.

For example if you sell chocolate, many of your buyers want that sweet treat.  Or if someone joins a gym, it can be because they want to get more flexible and fit for the summer.

Here’s a quick bonus resource to help you become “the choice” for potential clients and not just “another choice” in a crowded market 👉 Why Specialisation in Business Helps You Sell More.

3. Or do you help them solve a problem?

Let’s look at the chocolate and gym example again. Some people might also buy these to solve a problem they have. For example with chocolate, maybe they need to find a gift for their partner.  Their problem is trying to find the right gift and feeling overwhelmed with what to get. 

Or at the gym, a problem could be they have been told by a doctor that they need to lose weight.  They may not want to lose weight, but they need to for their health.

See the subtle difference?  Which type of person do you want to attract?  Someone who shops based on desire or solving a problem?

How to find your Customer Avatar

Talk about their problem or desire in your marketing.


Once you are clear on how you are helping people, see if you can describe it in the exact way they would tell their friends about it, or even their inner voice.

From there, explain how you specifically help them - with all of your training, knowledge and experience. It’s not enough to determine who you want to benefit most—you need to identify who is actually finding value in your offerings right now.

In other words, how is your formula of what you do different?

Identifying your ideal customer can seem like an overwhelming and challenging task. However, it’s an important step in growing and improving your business. Still struggling with this? If you want to learn how to attract more of the right people to your website check out our program Websites That Work.

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The 8 elements of a good VSL (Video Sales Letter) Tue, 08 Feb 2022 10:10:48 +0000 If you are not using video to sell your products and services you need to hear this! Some of these stats will surely surprise you, and have you running for your camera. Check this out! 68% of marketers say video has a better return on investment than Google Ads. Viewers retain 95% of a message…

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If you are not using video to sell your products and services you need to hear this!

Some of these stats will surely surprise you, and have you running for your camera.

Check this out!

  • 68% of marketers say video has a better return on investment than Google Ads.
  • Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text.
  • 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video.
  • Including a video on your landing page can boost your conversion rate by up to 80%.

If that does not convince you, you can see more stats here.

Have you heard the acronym VSL?

It means video sales letter, and is basically a video that you can put on a page on your website where you sell your products or services.

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Here is a formula you can use to create a VSL:

  1. Hook them in the first 5 seconds, what is something you can do to attract attention and get people to keep watching?
  2. Lead with the strongest benefit, or the main thing you do to solve someone’s problem.
  3. Introduce yourself, your business, and why someone should listen to and trust you. This is like your elevator pitch.
  4. Tell the story of what you sell in a fresh compelling way - make people want it!
  5. Share social proof. Do you have video testimonials? If not you can share photos of people using your product. Or share written testimonials. You can even read them out.
  6. Stack the value if you can. Share what they get as part of the package. Can you add in bonuses? Bundles?
  7. Assume the risk – do you have a guarantee you can share?
  8. End with a strong CTA (call to action). And if possible add in urgency or scarcity – for example, the cart closes on a certain date. Or you only have a few left.
Infographic 8 Vsl Elements

Here's two quick tips to make your Video Sales Letters perform better:

  • If you have an ecommerce site with a lot of skus maybe start with your bestsellers or main product categories.
  • Normally the higher the price the longer the video needs to be. I have seen some VSLs that were 30 min long for programs that cost over $2,000!

Now, take this script, grab your phone and try filming one of these videos.

There are plenty of affordable editors on and who can make it look amazing.

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10 Headlines That Get You More Clicks Sat, 13 Nov 2021 00:26:09 +0000 Developing effective headlines can be challenging. You often only have a limited amount of time, space and words to grab someone’s attention in that very first instance. So what can you do to ensure you are writing headlines that get clicks? Below we share 10 winning formulas with examples that you can use to make…

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Developing effective headlines can be challenging. You often only have a limited amount of time, space and words to grab someone’s attention in that very first instance. So what can you do to ensure you are writing headlines that get clicks? Below we share 10 winning formulas with examples that you can use to make your headlines more click-worthy.

Think about what makes you click on an article or open an email. Chances are it's the enticing, attention-grabbing headline. It has sparked your interest and generated intrigue.

Therefore, if you are struggling to get your blog posts read, emails opened or ads clicked on, then maybe your headlines are not working.

A powerful headline can vastly improve the traffic to your content. Interestingly, 8 out of 10 people will read the headline, but only 2 out of 10 will actually click through and read the rest of the content.

So what's the key to headlines that get more clicks?

A click-worthy headline sparks curiosity, and immediately captures (and then keeps) your reader's attention.

Getting someone to click through to your content is essential to increase your conversions. But creating that catchy marketing hook is a trickier task than it sounds.

Recent studies show the average human attention span is just 8 seconds, so in a sea of content, you don't have long for your reader to take notice. For this reason, good headlines are typically concise, clear, specific and compelling. 

So no matter what you sell, read on to see 10 examples of actual headlines across multiple industries to help get your creative juices flowing.

The importance of headlines that get clicks

Here are 10 headline formulas to help you get more eyes on your content and products:

Infographic 10 Headlines To Get More Clicks
click worthy headlines

Let's dive into some examples:

1. How to:

e.g. How to sleep better
People love to learn things. 'How to' is one of the most popular search phrases that people use in YouTube to learn more. It can easily be used for your blog posts and longer social media posts.

2. Question:

e.g. Is Paleo or Vegan better for your health?
By asking a question, someone naturally wants to know the answer. This formula works great for email subject lines, social media captions or ad headlines and even blog posts.

3. Why:

e.g. Why headlines are the answer to getting more clicks
For this one try and illustrate a key point.  Maybe it is a reason why someone needs what you specialise in. This is a versatile one too and can be used anywhere.

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4. Secrets:

e.g. The secret ingredient that helps you to lose weight
We always want to know about a good secret, right? 😉

5. Mistakes:

e.g. 7 mistakes every new business owner makes & how to avoid them
We all tend to want to know if we are making a mistake, so this one can work particularly well across all your marketing.  Even if you sell products how can you get creative with the mistakes someone makes when using it?

6. Protection:

e.g. Use this to protect your website from getting hacked
This example has a couple of techniques being used.  Not only does it use protection, it also says "use this" which creates that curiosity that makes someone want to click.  By now you might start to see how you can combine elements from each these types.

Capture Attention
write effective headlines

7. Quick and easy:

e.g. Your quick and easy blueprint to getting more energy from your food
Most of us are time poor, so seeing something like this means we know we'll get access to something that will help us get to the result we want, fast. This is a good one to use when brainstorming lead magnet titles.

8. Lists:

e.g. 5 steps to finding your soul mate
This is one of the most popular ones. It's because it is specific. You know exactly what you will get. Put a number in front of the subject you're talking about - for example, 6 ways, 8 strategies, 10 tips, etc - and people will click because they know they will get that exact amount!  And you can easily use this in most of the other headline types.

9. Do this:

e.g. Do this if you want to sell your house
Just fill in the gap for the thing that your target market wants from you. This one can help to give your content a sense of urgency and authority. And whenever you say "use this", "try this" or "do this" those words generate curiosity as to what "this" is.  Remember, part of creating a headline people want to click is creating intrigue.

10. Did you know:

e.g. Did you know that we also have a package where you can save 20%?
Using "did you know" in front of something attracts someone to find out what they might be missing. It can be a great way to create "FOMO" (fear of missing out).  This is one of our favourites for social media posts and ads for captions and headlines.

headlines to get more clicks

Now it's your turn. Take one of these formulas, or a combination, and use it in your next email subject line, social media post or blog post title.

And speaking of blog posts, if you start using some of these formulas for your blog post titles, you will turn that website traffic into clicks. For extra tips on getting your content seen by more people, check out our article on how to get more traffic for your blog.

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The 3 best marketing hooks that work for almost everyone Mon, 29 Mar 2021 02:27:12 +0000 Did you know you might be missing the mark in your marketing with 2/3 of your audiences if you are not talking about what you sell in these 3 ways? Here are 3 simple marketing “hooks”, or conversations you can have that will resonate with the majority of your market. These messages can be used…

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Did you know you might be missing the mark in your marketing with 2/3 of your audiences if you are not talking about what you sell in these 3 ways?

Here are 3 simple marketing “hooks”, or conversations you can have that will resonate with the majority of your market.

These messages can be used in your social media posts, on your web pages, and in your emails.

You can combine them or just create different pieces of content using only one type of message. Test to see what works best for you!

Infographic The 3 Best Marketing Hooks

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The 3 Best Marketing Hooks

Marketing Message Type #1: The Emotional Hook
Show your market you care about them. Appeal to their emotions around the problem you are trying to solve. Use language like “Are you frustrated with (insert the problem you are solving here)” or “We know how you feel.”

Marketing Message Type #2: The Logical Hook
Share the specifics - stats, guarantees, ingredients, price, etc. In other words, speak to the logical type of person.

Marketing Message Type #3: The Curiosity Hook
Show or explain what it would be like to use your product or service. Get them to picture being a customer of yours by explaining what they can expect. Anticipate their needs, their desires - and answer the questions they may not even know they had, before they have to ask. Using storytelling in your marketing is a great way to achieve this.

Marketing Hooks

One piece of advice - don't assume anything...! Just because you might prefer one way of talking, does not mean everyone wants to hear about what you sell in that same way.

So, the next time you create a post or email, try using a different “hook”.

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2 Steps on How to Write a Catchy Home Page Headline Mon, 08 Mar 2021 02:10:25 +0000 Is your website passing the 3 second rule? In other words, can your visitors find what they’re looking for on your website within 3 seconds? If not, and you don’t meet this expectation in that wildly short time frame, chances are you’ll lose them. And the bad news... most will never return. The good news,…

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Is your website passing the 3 second rule? In other words, can your visitors find what they’re looking for on your website within 3 seconds? If not, and you don’t meet this expectation in that wildly short time frame, chances are you’ll lose them. And the bad news... most will never return.

The good news, however, is that there is a solution to help convince people to stick around and scroll, and hopefully even click and convert.

The easiest way to get them to stay is to perfect your home page headline, which some also call your benefit statement.

Given 80% of people never make it past the headline, your home page headline is arguably the most important piece of copy on your website.

That said, here's a simple headline formula so your visitors know if what you're selling is right for them....

How to write a home page headline that will make people stay:

Step 1: Create a headline by answering this question...
What does your product or service do for someone? In other words, what is the main benefit someone gets when working with you?

Step 2: Then answer this question to determine your sub headline…
How do you deliver that benefit?

You want to make the headline all about your visitor, rather than about yourself. Avoid the use of the words ‘we’ or ‘our’ when possible. Keep it clear and relatively succinct - get to the point. Think about it this way: Who is your product or service for, and perhaps most importantly, how are you solving their problem?

How to Write a Home Page Headline

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How to write a home page headline
Website Headline examples for the Home Page
Home Page Website Benefit Statement

What does an effective home page headline look like?

Let's take a look at 3 examples that demonstrate these tips:

#1: Website Love
HEADLINE: From overwhelm to online business growth.
SUB HEADLINE: Need more customers? Our WordPress websites, care packages and training programs can help.

#2: Mailchimp
HEADLINE: Turn Emails into Revenue
SUB HEADLINE: Win new customers with the #1 email marketing and automations brand that recommends ways to get more opens, clicks, and sales.

#3: PowerbITs
HEADLINE: Make technology work for your business
SUB HEADLINE: Remote and onsite IT support that is tailored to your needs and always explained in plain English.

And one last tip – you want people to take action based on your headline, so don’t forget to add a call to action (CTA), telling your customer what you want them to do next. Such as, 'start here', 'shop now', 'contact us', etc. This is essential if you want to increase conversions on your website.

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Supercharge Your Marketing using Storytelling Sun, 14 Feb 2021 22:47:45 +0000 There's a reason why gossip sites are so popular, "water cooler" talk still exists in the office and behind the scenes content is the most popular on social media. We are hard wired to love stories. Using storytelling in your marketing can be a powerful selling tool, can help you to better resonate with your…

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There's a reason why gossip sites are so popular, "water cooler" talk still exists in the office and behind the scenes content is the most popular on social media. We are hard wired to love stories. Using storytelling in your marketing can be a powerful selling tool, can help you to better resonate with your audience and make your brand more memorable.

Here's why storytelling might just be the missing ingredient your marketing campaigns need, and some extra tips for success.

The Power of Storytelling

Do you remember the 2006 movie 'The Secret'? It repackaged the concept of the 'Law of Attraction' and garnered interest from media figures such as Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres and Larry King.

It was such a phenomenal success because of the storytelling that happened before and during its launch, and throughout the movie.

The film did not just teach the law of attraction.

It told the story of why knowing about it was so important and powerful.

The Power of Marketing Using Storytelling
Storytelling to build your brand

Why should I be using storytelling in my marketing?

Incorporating storytelling into your marketing is both a great way to build your brand and sell more. Your goal is to evoke emotion and make people feel something. It’s about humanising your brand and giving authenticity to your product or service.

Brand storytelling research from Headstream suggests that if people love a brand story, they are 55% more likely to buy a product in the future, while 44% will share the story and 15% will immediately buy a product. (Source: MarketSmiths)

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Where do I begin with storytelling marketing?

Every business has a story to tell. Think back to your origins and share your progress.

  • Why did you start?
  • Where, when and how did you start?
  • What inspires you every day?

Take people on a journey, and people will buy into your values and your vision.

If you can, share stories from your customers too. Case studies, interviews and first hand examples are not only a great way to communicate business success, but also showcase the trust and authentic relationships you build.

Convey your journey Storytelling Marketing
Marketing What's Your Story

How can I sell my products or services through story?

Are you selling information, like an e-course or membership? Or are you selling services?

Share how you learned what you are selling and why you chose to package it the way you did. Answer these questions:

  • What did you struggle with along the way?
  • How much did you spend learning those lessons?
  • Why did you choose to package the item in that specific way?

Or if you are selling products answer questions like:

  • What did you struggle with along the way?
  • Why did you choose to sell that product?
  • What about how it was built is so special?

What's next?

Include these stories everywhere – in your website copy, your emails, your brochures, your phone conversations, your blog posts, your webinars, your social media posts, your advertising…

You get the idea, right? Everywhere.

Don’t forget to use visuals too – while video is a very engaging medium, as they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. And most importantly, be sure to include a call to action (CTA). What do you want people to do once they’ve read or heard your story?

Remember, people buy things they desire (not necessarily need). So by telling the story behind what you are selling, you will help build that desire.

Once Upon A Time

For more tips on communicating effectively with your ideal audience to get them interested in your product or service, read our blog post on how to sell more on social media.

The post Supercharge Your Marketing using Storytelling appeared first on Website Love.
