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Email nurturing is essentially an email sequence, sent over the course of weeks or months, that keep your leads engaged and moving towards becoming clients. Email is one of the oldest types of online marketing, however remains one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. 74.4% of people said they expected a welcome email when they signed up to a newsletter or email list. 

If you’re collecting email addresses from your website, are you also sending your new subscribers valuable content as soon as they join? If not, they will quickly forget who you are and how you can help them.  And this means more unsubscribes in the future when you are promoting what you sell.

I am going to share a simple nurture sequence formula along with some bonus tips to get those emails opened.

Here is a Recommended Email Nurture Sequence flow of what to send once someone joins your list.

Email 1: Send ASAP

Welcome your new subscriber with how they can access any resources they got when opting in. This is the best opportunity to say hello, build trust and turn leads into clients. 

Welcome emails have an unusually high open rate of 50% – making them 86% more effective than newsletters, it’s so important that you get it right. To help get you started, check out my 5 steps to increase your email click through rate


Email 2: Send on Day 2

If you promoted something on the thank you page they landed on after signing up, tell them it’s their last chance to get that one time offer. You’ll send new subscribers an email with directions on how to access the lead magnet they signed up for.

It's a great way to introduce your products or services, and get your subscribers excited about your brand.

email nurture sequence
email nurture sequence

Email 3: Send on Day 4

Not everyone who opts in is a current client, share your backstory and how you help people. Make sure to relate it back to your subscribers. If you are aware of why someone signed up for your email list, you can use that information to create a more relevant email. This will also give you an opportunity to show that you're a real person who cares about your clients.


Email 4: Send on Day 6

Share some of your best content that can engage your subscribers with your brand. If you have a popular blog post, this is a great opportunity to share them.

Email 5: Send on Day 8

Share a case study and where people can go to get the same help. Case studies are a great way to close the gap. This shows your subscribers how they can get from point A to B. 


Email 6: Send on Day 10

Encourage engagement by linking out to your social channels and having them connect with you on other platforms. Your new subscribers may not be familiar with the way your business operates and the ways they can connect with you.

Can you send some other resources? Like a FB Group? A special bundle, etc…? From there they should be sent an ongoing newsletter.

email nurture sequence

Here’s a quick BONUS checklist on how to get those emails opens and read:

email nurture sequence

Now you know what to do once someone signs up for your email list. Follow the checklist above and you’ll be creating amazing email nurture sequences that your subscribers will love. If you need more inspiration, check out my 10 of the best lead magnet ideas to help you grow your email list and supercharge your email marketing.

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How to Improve Your Webinar Conversions Thu, 30 Jun 2022 03:53:09 +0000 Webinars are a cost-effective marketing strategy that can get you highly qualified leads that many businesses use today. Do you use webinars to get clients or share educational videos as lead magnets or in your marketing funnels? Read more to find out how you can improve your webinar conversions. Before you create this type of…

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Webinars are a cost-effective marketing strategy that can get you highly qualified leads that many businesses use today. Do you use webinars to get clients or share educational videos as lead magnets or in your marketing funnels? Read more to find out how you can improve your webinar conversions.

Before you create this type of content, you should plan carefully.

According to a webinar marketing statistics report, if your sign-ups are less than 200 people, the average webinar attendance rate is about 51% of those who signed up. And in most cases, we find them much less and closer to 30%.

If you have more registrants than that, the registrant to attendee conversion decreases by 18%. These numbers are the ideal percentage you should try to achieve to improve your webinar conversions. If you are struggling to get sign-ups or sales from these videos then check this out!

The Simple Formula you can follow to Teach and Sell to Improve Webinar Conversions on Video:

STEP 1: Welcome your attendees by validating their decision to attend

The greeting is the first thing your audience is going to hear when they join. Welcome the person to the session, "resell" their desire to consume your content and validate their decision. You will not only set the tone for the webinar, but it can largely determine whether your attendees will stay on for the rest of the presentation.

Engage your audience by making them feel comfortable, engaged, and eager to join the conversation. When doing this ask questions about their problem or desire.

Here are 3 examples of what 3 different businesses might say:

  • “Do you want to invest in your first property but are not sure where to start?” 
  • “Do you want to stop working so hard?”
  • “Are you looking for the best way to sell your course?”

You want to engage attendees but also keep them glued to the end.

how to improve webinar conversions
improve webinar conversions

STEP 2: Outline what they are about to learn

People participate in events if they have something to gain from them right? Make sure what you share sounds interesting from the start and give them a reason to stick around.

To do this, you can get your attendees excited by summarising what you are about to share AND explain how it will specifically help them. You can easily just read through a few bullet points or show them on a slide with a list of the key points you will cover.

STEP 3: Introduce yourself with an elevator pitch

A great introduction is a great investment ✨ Who are you, what does your business do, and why should someone listen to and trust you. 

Introducing yourself in a presentation is pitching yourself to the audience so they stick around for the rest of your talk. Include a story about how you got here, including any challenges. Your introduction should be effective and have an interesting hook.

To be more relatable it’s best to try and be a guide and not a hero. And remember to smile 😊

improve webinar conversions

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live webinar conversions

STEP 4: Teach (but don’t go overboard)

Webinars are a great way to teach online. They are also great for recording a live class and offering it later as an on-demand video. 

Teaching “why” someone needs something can sometimes be more powerful than the “how”.  And remember if you teach too much then they might not need your help.

As you share your information keep in mind how you are different.. 

  • Do you have a framework or different way of what you do from others? 
  • How did you discover it?

STEP 5: Share testimonials

92% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials when considering a purchase. 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. 72% of them say positive reviews and testimonials make them trust a business more.

Back up what you just taught with testimonials or case studies. What happened to someone after they implemented it?

If you need help with getting testimonials, check out how to get good testimonials for your website.

improve webinar conversions
how to improve webinar conversions

STEP 6: Add in a CTA (Call to Action)

End with a strong call to action. If you don’t ask, you don’t get, so now is the time to make your case and share what you are offering as a next step.. 

Your call-to-action should be crafted such that your visitors can’t help but do it, whatever “it” is. If you’re looking for a way to make your CTAs look irresistible, check out our one simple tip to sell more!

Think about what you want to achieve. Tell people exactly what you are offering and what they should do next to get it. 

Can you also add in a reason for them to take action now? 🤔

Webinars are a great way for online course creators to get in front of their target audience and showcase what they have to offer. This little formula will work well for videos from 10 to 60 minutes and I hope this helps with improving your webinar conversions.

And speaking of masterclasses, did you know we do them every couple of weeks showing you the steps to take to get more leads and sales from your website? Be sure to check out our Free Live Masterclasses. 

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How Much to Charge for an Online Course Fri, 15 Apr 2022 04:41:31 +0000 Did you see this? Get instant access to our free training "The Best Platform to use for Creating your own Online Course" 👇 First Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. GET ACCESS Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your…

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Get ready to learn about a whole new way of thinking about pricing. There are a few pricing models and strategies that can help you better understand how much to charge for an online course. However, I have a formula for knowing what to charge for your online courses, memberships or coaching and service packages.

Want to know what it is?

If you are trying to work out what to charge there are 2 things to remember:

  • You will charge what you think you are worth
  • You can charge based on your ability to sell it


Here’s a checklist to help you with how much to charge for an online course 👇

Understand your value

This is the first step in being able to charge what you’re worth.

The more effective you are at selling and marketing what you do, and the more you believe in yourself and the results that you can get people, then you can charge more.

Thinking of price is so much more than slapping a dollar sign on what you are selling. It is based more on perception of value. And value is not about the features of what you sell.

how much to charge for an online course
7 ways to build your brand

Build your brand

Have you seen courses that sell for under $100 that have the same content as a course that sells for $1,000 or more?

How can someone sell a course for 10x the amount if there are other courses out there with the same content going for so much less? They did the hard work first. 

You want to focus on building your brand and trust within the market. They worked hard on marketing before selling. They built desire. 

Have you ever heard the saying “the best marketer wins?” In some ways it is true right?

Get good at storytelling

Incorporating storytelling into your marketing is both a great way to build your brand and sell more. Your goal is to evoke emotion and make people feel something. 

It’s about humanising your brand and giving authenticity to your product or service. Head on over here now to supercharge your marketing with storytelling


Supercharge Your Marketing with Storytelling
How To Price Your Online Course Blog 2

Understand your target market’s problems and desires 

In order to charge for an online course, find out what the customer’s needs and wants are. You can either look at your past reviews, or even your competitor’s reviews to see how people are talking about different products or services.

Of course you can, and should, ask your own customers for where they need the most help. You can do this via an emailed poll, over the phone, or in person.  We recommend asking open questions to encourage them to speak freely. 

By ensuring that you communicate what your customer actually wants, and how it will solve their problems, means they’re much more likely to do business with you and pay you what you’re worth.


Package your course into an offer

Business owners who sell more of their products and services tend to use a certain technique consistently. It's using an offer! 

Make sure to clearly communicate the value of each item in your course. A small bullet pointed list of inclusions will downplay the value, so take the time to really explain what each module, or section includes and how it can help someone.

Can you bundle in additional bonuses? The idea here is to make each bonus so valuable that someone would buy your course just because of those.  Here are more tips to sell more with offers.


how much to charge for an online course
how much to charge for an online course

Create a reason to buy now

In marketing this is called urgency and scarcity.  Can you sell your course in intakes where you open and close the cart?  Do you only have a certain number of spots available?

If you are launching for the first time you can start with a “founder’s rate”. A founder’s rate is an initial amount you can offer for a program or course that is discounted. It implies that this is the initial intake for your course and can make your first group of members feel special.  


As your marketing improves, your brand becomes more well known, and you build self-belief you can increase price and easily command it. 

Just remember how important it is to communicate the value of what you are selling.  Practice it and don’t give up 🙌

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A Quick Tip on How to find your Customer Avatar Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:56:42 +0000 Did you see this? Get instant access to our free training "Values & Voice: Your Personal Brand Journey" 👇 First Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. GET ACCESS Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again.…

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Have you ever heard that in order to make your marketing work you need to know who your perfect client is? An ideal client is not only someone who gets their needs met by the product or service you’re offering, they are also someone you actually want to do business with. 

Once you are clear on who this person is, you can then target them in your marketing strategies. 

Here's an easy way to find your ideal customer avatar, even if you feel you have more than 1, or want to help everyone.

Consider this…

How to find your Customer Avatar

Instead of focusing just on demographics, interests or behaviours, focus on finding people who want a very specific outcome.

Here are 3 questions to answer when getting clarity on who your ideal target market is:

1. What outcome does your business give people?

Do you know how your business helps people? Sometimes this is beyond the most obvious of things. For example, if you are a wellness coach, you might think it is to help someone have more energy.  That could be a surface outcome.  But what does more energy give them?

Something we like to do is the “and so you get” exercise. Once we come up with ideas about how a specific product helps someone we keep asking “and so you get what?” For example with the wellness coach you might say someone gets more energy, so they get to spend more time with their kids, or so they start feeling like they can work out to lose weight… etc.  The idea here is to chunk down to find the real reasons they work with you.

How to find your Customer Avatar
How to find your Customer Avatar

2. Do you help them achieve a desire?

Some people buy things because they want it. In other words, they are motivated to fulfil a desire.

For example if you sell chocolate, many of your buyers want that sweet treat.  Or if someone joins a gym, it can be because they want to get more flexible and fit for the summer.

Here’s a quick bonus resource to help you become “the choice” for potential clients and not just “another choice” in a crowded market 👉 Why Specialisation in Business Helps You Sell More.

3. Or do you help them solve a problem?

Let’s look at the chocolate and gym example again. Some people might also buy these to solve a problem they have. For example with chocolate, maybe they need to find a gift for their partner.  Their problem is trying to find the right gift and feeling overwhelmed with what to get. 

Or at the gym, a problem could be they have been told by a doctor that they need to lose weight.  They may not want to lose weight, but they need to for their health.

See the subtle difference?  Which type of person do you want to attract?  Someone who shops based on desire or solving a problem?

How to find your Customer Avatar

Talk about their problem or desire in your marketing.


Once you are clear on how you are helping people, see if you can describe it in the exact way they would tell their friends about it, or even their inner voice.

From there, explain how you specifically help them - with all of your training, knowledge and experience. It’s not enough to determine who you want to benefit most—you need to identify who is actually finding value in your offerings right now.

In other words, how is your formula of what you do different?

Identifying your ideal customer can seem like an overwhelming and challenging task. However, it’s an important step in growing and improving your business. Still struggling with this? If you want to learn how to attract more of the right people to your website check out our program Websites That Work.

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The 8 elements of a good VSL (Video Sales Letter) Tue, 08 Feb 2022 10:10:48 +0000 If you are not using video to sell your products and services you need to hear this! Some of these stats will surely surprise you, and have you running for your camera. Check this out! 68% of marketers say video has a better return on investment than Google Ads. Viewers retain 95% of a message…

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If you are not using video to sell your products and services you need to hear this!

Some of these stats will surely surprise you, and have you running for your camera.

Check this out!

  • 68% of marketers say video has a better return on investment than Google Ads.
  • Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text.
  • 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video.
  • Including a video on your landing page can boost your conversion rate by up to 80%.

If that does not convince you, you can see more stats here.

Have you heard the acronym VSL?

It means video sales letter, and is basically a video that you can put on a page on your website where you sell your products or services.

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Here is a formula you can use to create a VSL:

  1. Hook them in the first 5 seconds, what is something you can do to attract attention and get people to keep watching?
  2. Lead with the strongest benefit, or the main thing you do to solve someone’s problem.
  3. Introduce yourself, your business, and why someone should listen to and trust you. This is like your elevator pitch.
  4. Tell the story of what you sell in a fresh compelling way - make people want it!
  5. Share social proof. Do you have video testimonials? If not you can share photos of people using your product. Or share written testimonials. You can even read them out.
  6. Stack the value if you can. Share what they get as part of the package. Can you add in bonuses? Bundles?
  7. Assume the risk – do you have a guarantee you can share?
  8. End with a strong CTA (call to action). And if possible add in urgency or scarcity – for example, the cart closes on a certain date. Or you only have a few left.
Infographic 8 Vsl Elements

Here's two quick tips to make your Video Sales Letters perform better:

  • If you have an ecommerce site with a lot of skus maybe start with your bestsellers or main product categories.
  • Normally the higher the price the longer the video needs to be. I have seen some VSLs that were 30 min long for programs that cost over $2,000!

Now, take this script, grab your phone and try filming one of these videos.

There are plenty of affordable editors on and who can make it look amazing.

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10 Headlines That Get You More Clicks Sat, 13 Nov 2021 00:26:09 +0000 Developing effective headlines can be challenging. You often only have a limited amount of time, space and words to grab someone’s attention in that very first instance. So what can you do to ensure you are writing headlines that get clicks? Below we share 10 winning formulas with examples that you can use to make…

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Developing effective headlines can be challenging. You often only have a limited amount of time, space and words to grab someone’s attention in that very first instance. So what can you do to ensure you are writing headlines that get clicks? Below we share 10 winning formulas with examples that you can use to make your headlines more click-worthy.

Think about what makes you click on an article or open an email. Chances are it's the enticing, attention-grabbing headline. It has sparked your interest and generated intrigue.

Therefore, if you are struggling to get your blog posts read, emails opened or ads clicked on, then maybe your headlines are not working.

A powerful headline can vastly improve the traffic to your content. Interestingly, 8 out of 10 people will read the headline, but only 2 out of 10 will actually click through and read the rest of the content.

So what's the key to headlines that get more clicks?

A click-worthy headline sparks curiosity, and immediately captures (and then keeps) your reader's attention.

Getting someone to click through to your content is essential to increase your conversions. But creating that catchy marketing hook is a trickier task than it sounds.

Recent studies show the average human attention span is just 8 seconds, so in a sea of content, you don't have long for your reader to take notice. For this reason, good headlines are typically concise, clear, specific and compelling. 

So no matter what you sell, read on to see 10 examples of actual headlines across multiple industries to help get your creative juices flowing.

The importance of headlines that get clicks

Here are 10 headline formulas to help you get more eyes on your content and products:

Infographic 10 Headlines To Get More Clicks
click worthy headlines

Let's dive into some examples:

1. How to:

e.g. How to sleep better
People love to learn things. 'How to' is one of the most popular search phrases that people use in YouTube to learn more. It can easily be used for your blog posts and longer social media posts.

2. Question:

e.g. Is Paleo or Vegan better for your health?
By asking a question, someone naturally wants to know the answer. This formula works great for email subject lines, social media captions or ad headlines and even blog posts.

3. Why:

e.g. Why headlines are the answer to getting more clicks
For this one try and illustrate a key point.  Maybe it is a reason why someone needs what you specialise in. This is a versatile one too and can be used anywhere.

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Get instant access to our free training "4 Ways Your Website Copy Is Pushing Away Clients" 👇

4. Secrets:

e.g. The secret ingredient that helps you to lose weight
We always want to know about a good secret, right? 😉

5. Mistakes:

e.g. 7 mistakes every new business owner makes & how to avoid them
We all tend to want to know if we are making a mistake, so this one can work particularly well across all your marketing.  Even if you sell products how can you get creative with the mistakes someone makes when using it?

6. Protection:

e.g. Use this to protect your website from getting hacked
This example has a couple of techniques being used.  Not only does it use protection, it also says "use this" which creates that curiosity that makes someone want to click.  By now you might start to see how you can combine elements from each these types.

Capture Attention
write effective headlines

7. Quick and easy:

e.g. Your quick and easy blueprint to getting more energy from your food
Most of us are time poor, so seeing something like this means we know we'll get access to something that will help us get to the result we want, fast. This is a good one to use when brainstorming lead magnet titles.

8. Lists:

e.g. 5 steps to finding your soul mate
This is one of the most popular ones. It's because it is specific. You know exactly what you will get. Put a number in front of the subject you're talking about - for example, 6 ways, 8 strategies, 10 tips, etc - and people will click because they know they will get that exact amount!  And you can easily use this in most of the other headline types.

9. Do this:

e.g. Do this if you want to sell your house
Just fill in the gap for the thing that your target market wants from you. This one can help to give your content a sense of urgency and authority. And whenever you say "use this", "try this" or "do this" those words generate curiosity as to what "this" is.  Remember, part of creating a headline people want to click is creating intrigue.

10. Did you know:

e.g. Did you know that we also have a package where you can save 20%?
Using "did you know" in front of something attracts someone to find out what they might be missing. It can be a great way to create "FOMO" (fear of missing out).  This is one of our favourites for social media posts and ads for captions and headlines.

headlines to get more clicks

Now it's your turn. Take one of these formulas, or a combination, and use it in your next email subject line, social media post or blog post title.

And speaking of blog posts, if you start using some of these formulas for your blog post titles, you will turn that website traffic into clicks. For extra tips on getting your content seen by more people, check out our article on how to get more traffic for your blog.

The post 10 Headlines That Get You More Clicks appeared first on Website Love.

How to sell online courses with WordPress Thu, 14 Oct 2021 05:11:22 +0000 Did you see this? Get instant access to our free training "The Best Platform to use for Creating your own Online Course" 👇 First Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. GET ACCESS Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your…

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Get instant access to our free training "The Best Platform to use for Creating your own Online Course" 👇

Are you thinking about creating and selling a course on your website? If so, did you know you can easily do that if you have a WordPress website? 

Have you heard of Kajabi? Or Thinkific or Teachable? Many people who have a WordPress website end up using those platforms to sell a course when they don’t need to. Don’t get us wrong – they are great!

WordPress powers 60 million websites  — that’s 40% of the internet, so it make sense to us this platform, right? WordPress makes creating an online course simple and straightforward through a variety of plugins and themes.

Here’s what you need sell a course in a WordPress website:

#1: You need an Learning Management System (LMS) plugin

An LMS is used to plan, implement and assess your course materials. We recommend and use one called Learndash for our client’s websites. It is roughly $150 USD per year to buy this plugin.

Once installed you can create unlimited courses with modules that include lessons. You can add videos, downloads, quizzes and more. Someone can even get an automated certificate when they complete a course.

Plus it comes with an add-on where you can sell your course to a team leader and they can buy “seats” for their team.

The team leader can see the progress of their team in the course.

How to sell online courses with WordPress
How to sell online courses with WordPress

#2: You need a way of taking payment.

I recommend installing Woocommerce, the free shopping cart for WordPress. It is the world’s most popular open-source e-commerce checkout.

You can charge a one-time payment or get a Woocommerce add-on to accept payment plans or even ongoing payments if you want to offer a membership. It will easily allow you to set up a product, which is your course, and sell it using any payment gateway of your choices like PayPal or Stripe.

#3: Offering a membership

Did you know that from 2012 to 2020, the subscription economy grew by nearly 6x? Subscription businesses have grown five to eight times faster than non-subscription businesses during the same period.

Once you have built in the fundamentals for selling an online course, it’s relatively easy to offer a membership where people get access to other resources like webinars, coaching, a library of downloads, and member directories. If you’re interested in setting up a membership site, there are plenty of plugins to choose from.

How to sell online courses with WordPress

Online courses are a great way to add another revenue stream by selling your knowledge and WordPress, with the help of Learndash, makes it easy! Are you wondering how much you should charge for your online course? Check out this checklist for guidance on pricing your course.

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Where to get images for your website Wed, 25 Aug 2021 07:35:52 +0000 Did you see this? Get instant access to our free training "The Ultimate Checklist to patch the “leaks” in your website so you stop losing business" 👇 First Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. GET ACCESS Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went…

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Get instant access to our free training "The Ultimate Checklist to patch the “leaks” in your website so you stop losing business" 👇

In a world where standing out online is getting more difficult, how can you make your WordPress website pop? Using high quality photos is one of the best ways to maintain attention. 

First of all, most people access your website now from their phone. In our client’s sites, on average, we have seen between 60-80% of people visiting their website from a phone.

So if that’s the case, then images are now more important than ever because you have such a small space to work with. Here we will show where to get great images for your website.

Where can I get images for my website?

Stock Photos

There are loads of places where you can either buy or get images for free that you have the rights to use. You can go to download photos from free versions like Unsplash, which has a huge resource of over 2 million free images submitted by photographers from around the world. Additionally, you don’t need an account to download images, making it a quick, easy, and free way of sourcing high-quality images.

Paid versions like ShutterstockStocksy and Haute Stock (a new favourite of ours) have impressive search filters and a great volume of quality images. Whilst you can’t download images for free, there are different pricing levels depending on how many images you want or you can choose a subscription.

Where to Get Free Stock Photos and Images for your Website
Where to get images for your website
Where to get images for your website
Where to get images for your website
Where to Get Free Stock Photos and Images for your Website
Where to Get Free Stock Photos and Images for your Website
Where to get images for your website

These days we also like Canva a lot.  Canva is a hugely popular tool and although it is known for creating designs it also has a massive stock library and you can crop your photos and add filters and text all in one place. You’ll need to create a free account to use Canva – some photos are reserved for Pro users (which we use), so you may want to upgrade to a paid plan if you use Canva a lot.

Take your own photos

We recommend this option if you have access to a photographer. It means no one else will have the same photos as you. As a result, this is one of the best ways to ensure you get original, brand-aligned images for your website.

Sometimes, stock images just don’t quite cut it.  And with your own photos, you can be really creative. Take photos of lifestyle shots, you or your team working, interesting product shots and so on.

We recommend working with a photographer who specialises in a lifestyle photos, instead of corporate or headshots. And of course there is always your smart phone! 


Where to get images for your website
Where to get images for your website
Where to get images for your website

How can I make my website images look better?

I want to leave you with 2 hacks:

#1: If you do need to use stock photos, crop them in interesting ways. Zoom in on hands, crop out faces, tweak or rotate them in unique angles. Subsequently, you can make a stock photo look quite amazing if you get creative with cropping and zooming.

#2: Use filters. You can do this in Canva or other photo editing tools. This means you can give all of your stock images a similar look like they belong to a collection or branded to you. 

Where to get images for your website

Now you should feel confident on how to pick the best images for your website – remember to check they’re high quality, unique, and add value to your brand! Check out 7 ways you can make your brand more memorable.

The post Where to get images for your website appeared first on Website Love.

7 Ways to Build Your Brand Wed, 21 Jul 2021 04:56:13 +0000 What does it mean to build your brand, and why is it so important? Your brand is what defines you and differentiates you from the competition. If you want to gain brand awareness and recognition, and strengthen your brand identity, standing out from the crowd and becoming more memorable is crucial. Here is a quick…

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What does it mean to build your brand, and why is it so important? Your brand is what defines you and differentiates you from the competition.

If you want to gain brand awareness and recognition, and strengthen your brand identity, standing out from the crowd and becoming more memorable is crucial. Here is a quick checklist to help you get more people to remember you.

Let’s start with why it's so important to build your brand:

  • Digital visibility: Google likes it when people type in your name or your business name as much as they like keywords.
  • Word of mouth: When people remember you, they can easily recommend you, and third party endorsements are so incredibly powerful.
  • Breaking through the clutter: Keep the marketing “Rule of 7” in mind. When someone sees or interacts with your brand at least 7 times, they are more likely to become a loyal follower.
Build your brand

Here are 7 ways to be more memorable:

7 Ways To Build Your Brand

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Collect emails to build your brand

Let's delve a little further into each tip...

1. Collect emails from your website

Building your email list enables you to send out valuable ongoing content, and as they say "content is king". It's what connects you to your customers. It's how you build trust and establish a community around your brand. But it can be a tough ask to convince someone to add more clutter to their inbox. Make it worth their while to part with their email address.

To cut through, the content you share must be valuable. To keep them engaged, it must be relevant and consistent. Remember, people don't always want to feel like they are being sold to - think 'inspiration' and 'education' instead. Ask yourself, 'how does this benefit my customer'?

2. Leverage social media by doing your best to be active

Active social media profiles are key to maintaining a credible and reputable online presence, and building your brand.

Social media platforms also provide you with the opportunity to boost brand awareness and reach an audience who are unfamiliar with your brand. In particular, targeted ads can help you generate more website traffic and leads.

To make sure you are using your social channels to their full potential, check out our tips for how to get more engagement on social media.

Brand building by leveraging social
Engage with your followers

3. Engage with and acknowledge your followers

People LOVE to feel heard.

Interacting with your followers meaningfully gives your brand authenticity and a human persona.

For example, you can ask your followers questions, and show that you value their opinions or feedback.

Even if it's just a simple thank you or emoji 😍🌟💕😉 , it's a way to make your followers feel appreciated and more loyal.

4. Come up with a tool that people want to share or talk about.

For instance, this could be a quiz or online video or even a podcast show.

It doesn't need to be super complex, just something a little interactive and that generates a bit of buzz.

This is also a great way to give your brand personality - share knowledge and educate your community, and highlight the need or problem that you can help your customers solve.

Tools to build your brand
Use PR to build a brand

5. Use PR

Write guest posts, give commentary to the media, get on other’s podcasts, and speak at events.

Establishing yourself or your brand as a thought leader is a powerful tool. It's another way to build the trust and credibility that your customers will highly value in your brand.

Plus of course, it's a fantastic way to get your brand or business name out there, and be seen by a potentially new and wider audience.

6. Focus on bringing your personality into what you do.

People talk about those who they resonate with.

This is all about making your brand more human and relatable. It is extremely beneficial to build an emotional connection with your customer. In fact, it has been shown that emotionally connected customers are on average 52% more valuable to a business than those who are just 'highly satisfied' (Source: Harvard Business Review).

Using storytelling in marketing and humour are just a couple of ways you may be able to better connect with your customers. It's also always nice to put a face to a name, so don't be afraid to share video messages with your customers, or some 'behind the scenes' images of the team.

Good design to build your brand

7. Invest in good design.

First impressions really do matter!

According to an academic study, 94% of the time someone’s first impression is based on design, and it only takes 50 milliseconds for that split-second decision to get made.

It may be time to look at re-designing your website, making your logo that little bit more eye-catching, or refreshing your style for a new-look Instagram grid.

There can be a lot to do here, but our article on where to get images for your website is a great, simple place to start.

So what’s next? Find one thing in the list above to start improving on now.

And here’s a little extra tip for those wondering where to begin – is there anything interesting you are working on right now? Something people generally don’t know about you? Something in your industry you want to change? Start there.

The post 7 Ways to Build Your Brand appeared first on Website Love.

1 Simple Tip on How to Sell More Sat, 22 May 2021 06:27:28 +0000 If you’re struggling to sell more, chances are you’re not talking about what you sell in a way that gets people excited to buy from you. To sell more, you need to understand why your product or service is better than others in its category. Business owners who sell more of their products and services…

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If you’re struggling to sell more, chances are you’re not talking about what you sell in a way that gets people excited to buy from you.

To sell more, you need to understand why your product or service is better than others in its category. Business owners who sell more of their products and services tend to use a certain technique consistently. I have one simple tip on how to sell more. Want to know what it is? 

It's using an offer!

Here’s how to use an irresistible offer to sell more:

Using an offer is selling something beyond just your product or service. It’s a way of packaging what you sell so there is a higher perceived value from your competitors and an overwhelming amount of value for the price. 

It must not only effectively meet the needs and desires of your target market, but also go beyond that by inspiring an emotion of joy or excitement to pull out their credit card. 

1 Simple Tip on How to Sell More
1 Simple Tip On How To Sell More

A good offer should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Your ideal customer should know exactly what they get.  Have a look at the tire example.  Not only do you get 1 tire for free, you get loads of other things bundled in.

Brainstorm about how you can bundle something together so that it’s better than what else is currently available.  If you do this, you will make yourself stand out from other sellers. 

An easy way of selling an offer on your website is using a sales page.  On that page, explain in detail what each item included in your offer contains. This helps build perceived value for your package as a whole. An offer like this works especially well for selling services, e-courses, memberships or coaching.  

Here’s an example of how you might summarise what you sell in 3 levels using a price comparison chart.  You will even see how each of the 3 offers even has a name.

1 Simple Tip on How to Sell More

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Let’s say you are a stylist. Instead of promoting a style session where you help someone put together some new outfits, promote a wardrobe makeover that includes 👇

1 Simple Tip To Sell More

You can sell even more with urgency and scarcity!

Beyond adding value by making what you sell into an offer,  when you can, give someone a reason to buy now.  In marketing, we call this urgency and scarcity.

Urgency is when you use a deadline.  You can use a countdown timer in emails and on your sales pages to illustrate when the deadline is up.  Our favourite tool is Deadline Funnel. You can create timers that expire on a certain date, or even a certain time after someone visits your website!  And this tool lets you redirect people to a different page on your site when the deal has passed.

1 Simple Tip on How to Sell More

Scarcity is when you have a limited number of spots or stock available. When using scarcity, think of ways to show you don’t have a lot of your offer left.  Do you only service a certain number of people a month for example?  Do you have limited stock?  Are you selling a one-time only offer that only has 10 spots?

Bonus points when you can use both!

And when in doubt, remember this easy formula 👇

1 Simple Tip on How to Sell More

Now it's your turn – is there something you sell that you can make more irresistible? Can you use this one simple tip to sell more?

If you're struggling to sell more with an offer, make sure you're being as clear as possible about what you're offering and why people should buy from you. If you need help with how you can make an OFFER more irresistible check out our program Websites That Work. 

The post 1 Simple Tip on How to Sell More appeared first on Website Love.
